Jerseyville eXtreme Service

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Alton, IL, United States

Get ready for our neXt eXtreme service at LifechurchX in Jerseyville on July 17th from 6pm-8:30pm! We're on a mission with Sleep in Heavenly Peace-Alton to make sure no kid in our county sleeps on the floor. We'll be sanding, drilling, staining wood, and more - all to build beds for kids in need. Plan...

LCXKids Park Day!

Zimmer Park

Waterloo-Columbia LCXKids and families! We hope you join us on July 21st at 1pm at Zimmer Park in Waterloo for LCXKids Park Day! This will be a fun day for families to hang out at the park! Plan to bring your own lunches and drinks.

LCXYouth Fusion Camp

LCXYouth, get ready for an epic adventure at Fusion Camp! 🔥 From July 29th to August 2nd, we're packing our bags and heading to Ironton, MO for a week of unforgettable fun, faith, and fellowship. This camp is all about igniting your passion for Christ and creating lifelong memories with your church family. Cost: $100/camper...