Regional Impact

As we continue our expansion for regional impact we will keep prioritizing:

What We've Accomplished

This vision for regional impact took eXpression several years ago when we launched our 2nd campus in Jerseyville, IL. Since then, we have taken significant steps to eXpand our infrastructure and continue elevating the overall health of our congregation. Join us in our mission to make a regional impact for the Body of Christ! 

Preliminary Phase

Completed 2019-2021

  • Waterloo Church Campus
    • Building improvements: LCXKids, LCXYouth, sanctuary, audio/visual, administrative offices
    • Paid off mortgage on 400 Park St in 2019 after purchase in 2017 
  • Jerseyville Church Campus
    • Completed legal process of transition from Charity Christian Church to LifechurchX campus
    • Building improvements: audio/visual, electrical, HVAC
    • Debt elimination from Charity Christian Church

TOTAL Cost for Preliminary Phase: $387,000

phase 1

Completed 2022-2024

  • Waterloo Church Campus
    • Relocated Waterloo-Columbia Campus/Purchase of New Facility at Caring Way
    • Seating for temporary new sanctuary
    • Audio/visual for temporary new sanctuary and LCXYouth center
    • Furnishing for lobby, sanctuary, administrative office, LCXKids, and LCXYouth
    • LCXKids area eXpansion
    • Sunday morning overflow space
    • Improvements for tenant lease spaces (partially complete)
    • Livestream campus multiplication upgrades
  • Jerseyville Church Campus
    • Prayer room
    • Youth area updates
    • Livestream campus multiplication upgrades

TOTAL Cost for PHase 1: $624,000

*additional mortgage debt was taken to secure the purchase at Caring Way

TOTAL FUNDS RAISED IN PHASE 1 Vision Campaign: $381,057

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. – Isaiah 54:2

Next Steps

Phase 2

Phase 3



As you prayerfully consider your role in advancing God’s Kingdom, is the Holy Spirit stirring your heart toward generosity? Through the Vision Fund, your gift creates lasting impact across our region, transforming lives and communities for Christ. Partner with us in this God-sized vision as we work together to see His Kingdom come in greater measure throughout our region.

And everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the LORD for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments.

– Exodus 35:21

Church Campus

9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236

Service Times
Sundays 9am & 11am


Church Campus

300 Bluebird Ln.
Jerseyville, Il 62052

Service Times
Sundays 10AM



9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236
