LifechurchX eXists to
“raise up Game-Changers”

“Game-changers” are people of faith who are walking in their God-given purpose. A Game-Changer, or X-factor, is a change agent that influences the outcome of a given situation more than anything else. When we discover God’s unique purpose for our lives and begin to flourish in that calling under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we (Jesus’s Church) become the most influential people in all sectors of our society. When Godly men and women are leading the way in a society or community, we believe the Church’s voice will be strong and God’s presence and blessing will rest on that land. 

Note: This is one reason we added the eXponent “X” after our church’s name and why we capitalize all of our “X”.

Why the

LifechurchX logo


X... as in X-Factor

We believe the church should be the X-factor (a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome) in every community. The community should be strengthened and encouraged by the church in every area of society.

X = Multiply

We are committed to seeing limitless lives and communities transformed by churches that are relevant and influential in the world. Raising up leaders, planting churches, influencing organizations, and empowering a new generation is what LifechurchX eXists to do. Oh yeah, we happen to have services on Sunday as well!

Church Campus

9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236

Service Times
Sundays 9am & 11am


Church Campus

300 Bluebird Ln.
Jerseyville, Il 62052

Service Times
Sundays 10AM



9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236

