NeXt Gen

Iron Sharpens Iron

LifechurchX LCXKids Logo

In LCXKids we are all about raising up Game-Changers! We believe that anyone can walk in God’s purpose for their life at any age; our children’s destinies go far beyond what they desire to be when they grow up. God wants to use them where they’re at right now as kids to make an impact in the lives of their friends, families, and communities.


  1. Our teams contend to create an atmosphere where all families are greeted with love and acceptance, just as Christ has loved and accepted us. When kids feel like they belong, they are more open to receiving from God and us.
  2. We keep teaching simple and interactive with a clear application of how God’s word applies to their lives right now.
  3. We have FUN! We understand that fun is most kids’ love language and if they have fun, we have a greater opportunity to build relationships and speak into their lives.
LifechurchX Next Gen Waterloo-Columbia IL
LifechurchX Waterloo-Columbia IL Youth
LifechurchX LCXKids Jerseyville IL
LifechurchX 4th of July

To ensure the safety of our kiddos, all LCXKids volunteers are background checked and thoroughly trained in Policies and Procedures and security before serving. We strive to build teams who are filled with passion for raising up children to know Jesus, walk with humility and integrity, and are prepared to love every child that walks through our doors. In order to stay on mission, our volunteers also receive training all year round from appointed leaders to ensure God’s heart for LCX is carried all the way through His church.

LCXKids meets every Sunday during regular service times (Waterloo-Columbia Church Campus at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and Jerseyville Church Campus at 10 a.m.) During the summer, Jerseyville provides one-week VBS and our Waterloo-Columbia campus partners with JAM at Hope Church. We have occasional family days throughout the year to provide families with opportunities to build life long relationships and sharpen one another.

If you desire resources or have any questions, you may contact one of our LCXKids Directors by calling one of our main offices either in Columbia, IL or Jerseyville, IL.

LifechurchX LCXYouth
LifechurchX LCXYouth Jerseyville game
LifechurchX Woo Team Waterloo-Columbia IL
LifechurchX LCXYouth at Fusion Camp
LifechurchX LCXYouth Logo

At LCXYouth we are all about raising Game-Changers who know God personally, are connected in communities near Columbia IL and Jerseyville IL, and are growing deeper in God’s destiny and purpose for their lives. We are all about creating an atmosphere where our youth can belong, worship with full abandonment, and feel empowered in who they are in Jesus. We are raising up student leaders who serve God and are living out their God-given purpose. LCXYouth meets every Wednesday night at 7pm for youth in 6th-12th grade. In our youth services we play games, have fun competitions, eat snacks, and learn about the Word of God in practical ways with interactive teaching and small groups. We also have a monthly LCXYouth event every third Friday. You can learn more about our Youth Events here.

You can access parental resources here.

If you desire resources or have any questions, you may contact one of our LCXYouth Directors by calling one of our main offices.

Is someone in your family ready for
LCXKids or LCXYouth

Fusion Camp logo

This week-long camp eXperience in Ironton, Missouri is for 6th-12th grade students full of fishing, swimming, messy games, and most importantly growing in our relationship with Jesus!

Church Campus

9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236

Service Times
Sundays 9am & 11am


Church Campus

300 Bluebird Ln.
Jerseyville, Il 62052

Service Times
Sundays 10AM



9538 Caring Way
Columbia, IL 62236

